a*k² (a-times-k-squared)
2 min readMay 31, 2021



A word I understand not.

My idols say they feel fear too,

They just don’t let it stop them.

Is fearlessness then not a possibility?


A word I understand not.

If I keep doing the things I fear,

Maybe one day I’ll become Fearless?

Or maybe it wouldn’t matter then,

Because I didn’t let fear stop me.

I believe a certain amount of fear is good. It keeps me from being reckless. It makes me think through decisions in terms of consequences. Here I’m talking about the type of fear that is debilitating. It keeps me on edge and keeps building until I feel powerless to deal with it. Until it starts to affect every area of my life. Until my life becomes dysfunctional. Fears like career pivoting/career break to figure out what I really want, walking away from unhealthy relationships,… This list is open.

Looking back, I realize I can either feed the fear or feed the overcoming of it.

Feed the fear: I don’t know what I’m going to do, I don’t how to get out, I’m afraid.

Feed the overcoming: ok it’s going to take a leap of faith. Because from where I am I cannot guarantee any outcome arising out of doing what I fear. If I could, I wouldn’t fear it.

What I can do? Create soft cushioning to absorb any impact if I fall instead of fly. What are a few outcomes that I’d consider the worst? How do I prepare for each of them?

What are a few great outcomes? How do I increase the possibility that they happen? How do I envision and bring to reality a life that pulls me out of the fear? Where what’s on the other side draws me so powerfully that I don’t fear what it takes to get me there anymore.


  1. What are a few fears that are holding me back?
  2. Which of them is the most detrimental to my well-being?
  3. How do I feed the overcoming of this fear?

Penning current personal reflections only. Open to evolving. Hence, experiment at your own risk.



a*k² (a-times-k-squared)

A writer on a mission to find joy independent of external outcomes. How: Poetry | Philosophy | Spirituality | Self-Actualization. Here to connect over ideas.